Saturday, June 10, 2017

How Essential Oils Can Help Parents

How Essential Oils Can Help Parents

Parents have one of the toughest jobs on the planet. It seems there is always something to do and someplace to be. If you are a parent, you know that the work is never really done. So, if essential oils can help parents we are all for it!

How Essential Oils Can Help Parents

How Essential Oils Can Help Parents

Help your children with school

You can use essential oils to help your children concentrate better at school. Many parents of children with ADHD and autism find that certain essential oils help their children but even children without these conditions can be helped with focus at school.

There are so many hours they have to be there and sit still. Wild orange oil, peppermint, sandalwood, and frankincense are some examples of oils that are good for concentration.

Help your children with stress and worry

Just like you’re busy, your kids have a lot of their plates as well. These busy lifestyles can make many children feel overwhelmed or stressed out. There are some essential oils that can help ease this for them.

You can create a wearable or oil that they can take with them/ wear with them to school, or you can use it as aromatherapy when they come home in the evenings. Spruce, roman chamomile, ylang ylang, and lavender are some examples of oils that are good for this reason.

How Essential Oils Can Help Parents

Help with homework time

Homework can be stressful for parents and children alike. If your child is easily frustrated or agitated, it can be even worse. Consider diffusing some oils in the room during homework time to help with concentration and calmness. Peaceful blends are great for this. If your child is struggling with concentration, try Vetiver.

Fight colds and other germs

Nothing’s worse for a hardworking parent that kids coming home sick, except maybe coming home sick again after just getting over it. There are essential oils that can help treat and prevent cold and flu, as well as other common illnesses or germs that are spread in children and teens.

To relax at the end of a long day of parenting

As we said above, parents have a tough job. You might climb into bed at the end of the day feeling exhausted and you might not even get enough rest before you have to get up and do it all over again.

There are some essential oils that can help you get better sleep at night, fall asleep faster, and improve your quality of sleep. Try jasmine or lavender, for example. There are also essential oils that can help with stress and anxiety.

Now that you see how essential oils help parents, you can decide if you want to try them yourself.

New to Essential Oils?

Ha! Me too…awhile ago.

It can be overwhelming with so many oils & choices.

This exclusive package {available for a limited time} gives you everything you need to get started and the information you need to know what to do!

Young Living Essential Oils Deal from Kids Activities Blog

As a Young Living Independent distributor, I started with their AMAZING starter kit & then added a few things I thought you might like

…like a super huge essential oil information manual. I use mine ALL THE TIME. It is a place you can look up information about each oil individually or find information by looking up the problem you want to solve.

…like an Amazon gift card for $20! You can use it for additional resources or accessories OR just whatever you want!

…like membership in our group’s private FB community. This is a great place to ask questions, get suggestions and find out how other people are using their essential oils. As part of my team, you can also choose other groups like our business building or blogging communities as well.

Check out this article for more information about how to get this essential oil deal from Kids Activities Blog.


The post How Essential Oils Can Help Parents appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

from Kids Activities Blog

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